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美[rɪ'vaɪzərɪ]  英[rɪ'vaɪzərɪ]
adj.  校订的;修正的;改订的


  1. A revisory Kipke semantics weakens Logic Omniscience Problems and remains those reasonable epistemic properties. 在一种修正的可能世界语义学下,削弱了“逻辑全能问题”,幷且保留了那些合理的认知性质。
  2. This paper gives the mth values when the coating thickness is 1, 2, 3 mm, and a revisory method is proposed. 本文还给出了贴片厚度为1,2,3mm时的m_(th)值,并提出了建议采用的修正方法。
  3. Then, in allusion to the incomplete M&A market and capital market, the thesis brings forward the revisory General Real Option Model. 然后针对我国不完善的并购市场,提出存在交易成本时修正的协同价值评估的实物期权模型的修正思路;
  4. We bring forward three revisory lessening schemes, directional offering revisory scheme, repurchasing revisory scheme and share discounted revisory scheme. 本文对国有股减持资金的运作原则、方案、数量进行了系统研究。
  5. To Realize Complicated Predeterminate Curve of Points on Coupler with Cam Revisory 实现复杂的预定连杆曲线的凸轮修正法
  6. a revisory committee 修正委员会