[C]谜(语) a puzzling and often amusing question to which one must guess the answer
[C]猜不透的难题,难解之谜 mysterious situation or thing
a difficult problem
a coarse sieve (as for gravel)
pierce with many holes;
"The bullets riddled his body"
set a difficult problem or riddle;
"riddle me a riddle"
separate with a riddle, as grain from chaff
spread or diffuse through;
"An atmosphere of distrust has permeated this administration" "music penetrated the entire building" "His campaign was riddled with accusations and personal attacks"
speak in riddles
explain a riddle
That painting is still a riddle to us.那幅画对我们仍然是个谜。
He could not solve the riddle.他猜不出这个谜。
He got the answer to the riddle as quick as a flash.他一下子就猜中了谜底。
The riddle was at last unriddled.这个谜语终于得到了解答。
She loved to riddle out the solution to problems.她喜欢解答问题。
The door was riddled with shots.门被子弹打得尽是窟窿。
Stay where you are,or I'll riddle you with bullet holes.不要乱动,不然我就把你打得满身是弹孔。
His daily work is to riddle coal cinders to get out the larger pieces.他每天的工作是用粗筛筛煤渣,将大块的煤渣挑出来。