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英音[ru:l] ;美音[ru:l] ;







exercise authority over; as of nations

be larger in number, quantity, power, status or importance

(linguistics) a rule describing (or prescribing) a linguistic practice

prescribed guide for conduct or action

a rule or law concerning a natural phenomenon or the function of a complex system

measuring stick consisting of a strip of wood or metal or plastic with a straight edge that is used for drawing straight lines and measuring lengths

something regarded as a normative example

have an affinity with; of signs of the zodiac

mark or draw with a ruler

keep in check

decide with authority

decide on and make a declaration about

dominance or power through legal authority

the duration of a monarch's or government's power

any one of a systematic body of regulations defining the way of life of members of a religious order

directions that define the way a game or sport is to be conducted

(mathematics) a standard procedure for solving a class of mathematical problems

a basic generalization that is accepted as true and that can be used as a basis for reasoning or conduct

a principle or condition that customarily governs behavior


to rule 统治

rule in phr. 划入

rule on vt.在...上划线,裁决

by rule adv.按照规则地,墨守成规地

be the rule 普通情况;惯常的事

by rule and line adv.准确地,精密地

rule of thumb n. 单凭经验的方法,凭感觉的方法; 单凭经验的方法;比较简单有效的方法;常规

the golden rule n.金科玉律,指导原则

board rule 板尺,板英尺

concatenate rule 连接规则

rule n. 1.[C]规则,惯例2.[U]统治,控制,支配v.[T,I] 规定,统治

rule by rule adj. 依法理规则

board rule 量木尺

meta rule 元规则

self rule n. 自治

hyper rule 超规则

rule of thumb 经验法则,经验法则

rule interpreter 规则解释器

rule governed adj. 受规则制约的

F rule 正向规则



control 含义广泛的常用词,指对人或物施以约束或控制的力量。

direct 侧重行使领导或指导权。

govern 侧重指运用任何控制的权力来统治或管理一个国家、一个社会或一个部门,暗含能力和知识的运用。

manage 强调对具体事务机构进行管理,有时含受权管理或处理之意。

rule 强调用绝对或独裁的权力来管理或统治。

supervise 侧重指运用本身的或被授予的权力来管理、检查工作,含监督意味。

administer 指官方的或正式的对事务的管理。


law 普通用词,泛指由最高当局所制订、立法机构所通过的任何成文或不成文的法规或条例。

constitution 指治理国家或国家在处理内外政务时所遵循的基本法律和原则;也指规章规则的汇集。

regulation 普通用词,指用于管理、指导或控制某系统或组织的规则、规定或原则等。

code 指某一阶层或社会所遵守的一整套法典、法规或法则;也可指与某一特殊活动或主题有关的规则。

rule 通常指机关、团体的规章、条例或比赛规则;也指对人行为、方法等所作的规定,还可指习俗所承认的规定。

act 指经立法机构通过并由行政管理签署的法案。