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美[ˌsæsər'doʊtl]  英[ˌsæsə'dəʊtl]
adj.  僧侣的;圣职的


  1. of or relating to a belief in sacerdotalism;

    "sacerdotal emphasis on the authority of priests"

  2. associated with the priesthood or priests;

    "priestly (or sacerdotal) vestments" "hieratic gestures"


  1. Of or associated with sacred persons or offices; sacerdotal. 有关僧侣或教士的任务的;圣职的
  2. A few male figurines in hieratic (sacerdotal) poses and one apparently in a dancing posture may represent deities. 少数几个男性小雕像以僧侣(祭司)姿态出现,其中一个很显然是以跳舞的姿态来表现出神性。
  3. The high priest from Golgotha was there, splendidly robed in his sacerdotal garments. 在安息日,圣殿院子里挤满了敬拜的人。
  4. The law, thus known exclusively to a privileged minority, whether a caste, an aristocracy, a priestly tribe, or a sacerdotal college, is true unwritten law. 这种专门为有特权的少数人所知道的法律,不论这少数人是一个等级,一个贵族团体,一个祭司团体,或者一个僧侣学院,是一种真正的不成文法。
  5. Second transformation of architecture,no longer hieroglyphic,immovable and sacerdotal,but artistic,progressive,and popular,which begins at the return from the crusades,and ends with Louis IX. 这是建筑艺术第二个阶段的变态,不再是象形文字式的了,也不再是不可逾越的并仅限于祭祀的了,而是富有艺术魅力的,演变的,深孚众望的,始自十字军归来,终止于路易十一时代。
  6. of or associated with sacred persons or offices; sacerdotal 有关僧侣或教士的任务的;圣职的