a writer whose handwriting is careless and hard to read
Madmen in authority, who hear voices in the air, are distilling theirfrenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back. 那些执掌权柄的狂人所奉为经典的,也只不过是多年前末流学者的思想碎片而已。
His works have some breakthrough and produce positive influence in literary history, thus should not be obliterated as the writing by a scribbler hired by the imperial court. 其在文学史上,有某些突破、创新和积极意义,不应以“御用文人”的“御用文学”一笔抹煞。
Fashionable, youthful, the face of a star aflame with red hair, this is the image of cartoonist Song Yang, whose fame even threatens to outstrip the established Taiwan scribbler Zhu Deyong. 时尚、年轻、一张明星气质的脸和一头火红的头发,这就是名气直逼台湾著名漫画家朱德庸的大陆漫画家宋洋!