Look at the intricacy of the scrollwork on the stem. 看见烟斗把上这个复杂的螺旋花纹了吗?
A silver bracelet with some intricate scrollwork .clung to his right wrist. 右腕有一只花纹细致的银手镯。
"The use of strapwork (interlaced scrollwork), which originated with Islamic metalwork, is characteristic of Mannerist architecture and furniture. 风格主义建筑和家具的特点是使用交织带状饰,这源于伊斯兰金属制品。
Even pretentious nineteenth-century urban houses may have some traditional elements associated with them, such as hand-cut scrollwork, wooden decorations that are sometimes called "Carpenter's Gothic". 上述的这些房屋甚至与十九世纪浮华的城市建筑也有着某些传统上的联系,如手雕的涡形装饰、木头装饰,有时它们被称作“木匠的哥德式建筑”。
The shape is entirely within the bounds of late baroque taste, and no important asymmetrical motifs are evident in the elaborate scrollwork except in a decorative cartouche on the top. 它的形状完全都在巴洛克品味的限制底下,除了在充满螺旋装饰的瓶盖之外,没有其他重要的涡捲对称设计。
"And a fringe of wooden scrollwork hanging from the roof of the porch?" "回廊屋顶的边上还有木头做的云形花饰垂下来,是不是?