Near Lieksa,lives the sculptress Eva Ryynanen,an extraordinary artist who works with wood. 杰出的女木雕艺术家伊娃.;莱南恩住在列克萨附近。
Near Lieska, in Carelia, lives the sculptress Eva Ryynanen, an extraordinary artist who works with wood. 在Lieska附近的Carelia,居住着雕刻家evaRyynanen,一位杰出的木雕艺术家。
Near Lieksa, lives the sculptress Eva Ryynanen, an extraordinary artist who works with wood. 杰出的女木雕艺术家伊娃·莱南恩住在列克萨附近。
No matter in view of their education or their art achievements, the group of sculptresses is representative in sculptress history. 不管是从她们所受的艺术教育还是从艺术成就来看,这个女雕塑家群体在女雕塑家艺术史上是具有代表性的。