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美[siː]  英[siː]
n.  海;海洋


  1. 海,海洋,内海
  2. 大量,茫茫一片
  3. 波涛,大浪
  4. 海面情况
  5. 海浪状况
  6. 航海
  1. =Southeast Asia 东南亚


  1. [U] 海,海洋 the salt water that covers most of the earth's surface and encloses its continents and island


  1. a division of an ocean or a large body of salt water partially enclosed by land
  2. anything apparently limitless in quantity or volume
  3. turbulent water with swells of considerable size;

    "heavy seas"


  1. command the sea掌握制海权
  2. cross the sea横渡大海
  3. enter the sea入海
  4. explore the sea探索海洋
  5. face the sea面对大海
  6. flow into the sea流入大海
  7. follow the sea当海员
  8. go down the sea到海边去
  9. go to sea当水手
  10. guard the sea守卫海洋
  11. love the sea爱大海
  12. put out to sea出海
  13. put to sea出航
  14. ride the sea航行于海上
  15. sail the sea航海
  16. sweep the sea(船)在海上到处航行
  17. take up the sea as career当海员
  18. travel by sea海上旅行
  1. angry sea愤怒的海
  2. blue sea蔚蓝的海
  3. calm sea风平浪静的海
  4. close sea领海
  5. continental sea内海
  6. deep sea深海
  7. heavy sea波涛汹涌的大海
  8. high seas公海
  9. inland sea内海,咸水湖
  10. long sea长波阔浪的海面
  11. open sea公海,大海
  12. raging sea波涛汹涌的海洋
  13. rough sea波涛汹涌的海洋
  14. short sea急浪翻腾的海面
  15. smooth sea平静的海面
  16. vast sea广阔无垠的大海
  17. wide sea宽阔的大海
  18. the Caribbean S-加勒比海
  19. the Dead sea死海
  20. the Four Seas英国周围的四海
  21. the Mediterranean S-地中海
  22. the North sea北海
  23. the South sea南海
  24. the Yellow sea黄海
  1. sea bed海床
  2. sea creatures海洋生物
  1. above the sea海拔以上
  2. at sea在海上
  3. storm at sea海上风暴
  4. by the sea在海边
  5. town by the sea海滨城镇
  6. in the sea在海里
  7. current in the sea海中的潮流
  8. arm of the sea海湾
  9. surface of the sea海面
  10. on sea在海上
  11. adventure on sea海上的冒险
  12. victory on sea海上的胜利
  13. over the sea在海外
  1. a sea of大量,广阔,一片
  2. a sea of people人海
  3. a sea of red flags红旗如海
  4. a sea of troubles无穷的麻烦
  5. a golden sea of wheat一片金黄色的麦子


  1. The moonlight shone on the calm sea.月光映在平静的海面上。
  2. The sea covers nearly three-fourths of the world's surface.海洋几乎占地球表面的四分之三。
  3. The sea seemed to melt into the sky at the horizon.在水平线处,海洋似渐渐没入天际。


    sea的意思是“海,海洋”“海水”,是不可数名词。在sea前的专有名词前一般要加冠词the。 sea作“水域,波浪”“海浪”“汹涌的波涛”解时须用复数形式seas。


  1. 知识的海洋深而广。

    The knowledge sea is deep and broad.

    The sea of knowledge is broad and deep.

    sea不受其他名词修饰,但sea of可修饰其他名词,如 a sea of faces (无数面孔), a sea of troubles (无穷的麻烦), a sea of red flags (红旗似海)等,都是形容数量之多。


    He went to sea for his vacation.

    He went to the sea for his vacation.

    go to the sea(= go to the seaside)表示“到海边去”, go to sea(= become a sailor)表示“出海,当水手”。


    We often swim on the sea.

    We often swim at sea.

    We often swim in the sea.

    “在海里游泳”是swim in the sea, at sea指在海上航行, on the sea指“在海上,在海边”。


    About three quarters of the Earth is covered by seas.

    About three quarters of the Earth is covered by sea.

    sea表示“海水”时为不可数名词; 但当 sea 作“海浪”或“汹涌的波涛”解时多作复数。


    I can't understand this problem; I'm all at the sea.

    I can't understand this problem; I'm all at sea.

    sea 往往和all 或completely连用,构成 be all〔completely〕 at sea的结构,表示“茫然”“摸不着头脑”, sea前面不加冠词。