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美[siːl]  英[siːl]
n.  海豹
v.  密封;盖印;明确
  形容词:sealable  过去式:sealed  过去分词:sealed  现在分词:sealing  第三人称单数:seals


  1. 封条;封蜡;封铅
  2. 保证,誓约
  3. 图章;印章
  4. 批准
  5. 象征,标志
  6. 焊接
  7. 【动】海豹
  8. 封,封印纸,贴纸
  9. 海豹皮
  10. 【机】密封垫
  11. 表示确认的事物
  12. 信物
  1. 决定,确定,明确定下来
  2. 保证
  3. 捕海豹
  4. 盖章;盖印于
  5. 确认
  6. 批准
  7. 闭紧;密封;关闭;密闭
  8. 钉住
  9. 封上(信封);密封(容器);封盖…的表面
  10. 使成定局
  11. 把…封闭在里边
  12. 打印于
  13. 在(度量衡器、商品等上)加上检验封印
  14. 【电】使紧密接触
  15. 封闭;封锁
  1. 海豹皮的


  1. [C] 海豹 animal with flippers that lives near and in the sea and eats fish
  2. [C] 印章,印鉴,图章 symbols or words pressed into wax, clay, paper etc. to show that sth is approved or official
  3. [C] 封条,封蜡 part of a lid or opening that must be broken to reach inside a container
  4. [C] (保证、确认等的)印戳 sth that gives assurance
  1. vt. 盖章于 fix a seal
  2. vt. 密封 fasten or close tightly
  3. vt. 决定 settle; decide


  1. fastener consisting of a resinous composition that is plastic when warm; used for sealing documents and parcels and letters
  2. a device incised to make an impression; used to secure a closing or to authenticate documents
  3. the pelt or fur (especially the underfur) of a seal;

    "a coat of seal"

  4. a member of a Naval Special Warfare unit who is trained for unconventional warfare;

    "SEAL is an acronym for Sea Air and Land"

  5. a stamp affixed to a document (as to attest to its authenticity or to seal it);

    "the warrant bore the sheriff's seal"

  6. an indication of approved or superior status
  7. a finishing coat applied to exclude moisture
  8. fastener that provides a tight and perfect closure
  9. any of numerous marine mammals that come on shore to breed; chiefly of cold regions
  1. make tight; secure against leakage;

    "seal the windows"

  2. close with or as if with a seal;

    "She sealed the letter with hot wax"

  3. decide irrevocably;

    "sealing dooms"

  4. affix a seal to;

    "seal the letter"

  5. cover with varnish
  6. hunt seals


  1. affix〔stamp〕 a seal盖章
  2. break〔take off〕 a seal启封
  3. engrave a seal刻图章
  4. pass the seal盖有图章
  5. put the seal on在…封口处打上封印
  6. set seal to the paper在文件上盖章
  7. set the seal on结束某事
  1. female〔male, young〕 seal母〔公,小〕海豹
  1. a colony of seals一群海豹
  2. under seal盖有印鉴(的)
  3. under seal of secrecy约定保守秘密
  4. with sb's seal经某人盖章的
  1. seal by〔with〕用…封住
  2. seal to book(两眼)盯着书本,专心看书
  1. seal the area shut封锁这一地区
  2. seal bargain确认交易
  3. seal a parcel封好包裹
  1. seal authoritatively权威地最后确定
  2. seal automatically自动密封
  3. seal effectively有效地密封
  4. seal firmly牢牢地封住
  5. seal hermetically密封住
  6. seal immediately马上确定
  7. seal impartially公正地确定
  8. seal legally合法盖章于…上
  9. seal nominally名义上密封
  10. seal officially正式密封
  11. seal in把某物密封起来不使其外泄
  12. seal the flavour in保存味道
  13. seal off the area封锁了这一地区
  14. seal off from the outside world与外界隔绝
  15. seal up the cracks in the window把窗子的缺口堵死
  16. seal up the documents for safekeeping把这些文件封存起来


  1. The first time I saw a seal was in an aquarium.我第一次看见海豹是在水族馆里。
  1. The envelope was firmly sealed.这个信封封得很严实。
  2. You must seal up the envelope before mailing the letter.你在寄信前必须先将信封密封。
  3. They signed and sealed the treaty.他们在条约上签名盖章。
  4. The newlywed royal couple sealed their marriage on Friday with an iconic appearance on the balcony of Buckingham Palace before an ecstatic crowd of thousands of well-wishers.周五,这对新婚的皇室夫妇在白金汉宫的阳台上,在数千前来祝福的欣喜若狂的民众前,以标志性的露面明确了他们的婚姻。


    seal用作名词时的意思是“印章”,转化为动词的意思是“盖章于…上”,引申可表示“封”“封口”“封住”“最后确定”等。 seal只用作及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语。