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美[sə'kjʊr]  英[sɪ'kjʊə(r)]
adj.  安全的;牢靠的;稳妥的
vt.  使安全;获得;固定
  形容词:securable  副词:securely  比较级:securer  最高级:securest  名词:securement  过去式:secured  过去分词:secured  现在分词:securing  第三人称单数:secures


  1. 牢固的,坚固的,稳当的 ,稳固的
  2. 安全的,无危险的
  3. 安心的,不必担心的,无忧虑的
  4. 有把握的,必定的,确定无疑的
  5. 可靠的,牢靠的
  6. 被妥善保管的
  7. 被拘留的
  8. 拿稳的
  1. 使安全,保卫,防护,保护
  2. 保证,作出保证
  3. 关紧,扣紧,关严
  4. 掩护
  5. 为…作保,向(债权人)提供保证
  6. 获得安全,变得安全
  7. 【海】停靠码头,抛锚,抛锚停靠,(船上人员)停止工作,停泊
  8. 使确实可靠
  9. 把...弄稳当,把…弄牢,栓牢
  10. 承诺保险
  11. 妥善保管
  12. 值勤完毕
  13. 弄到,获得,取得
  14. 拘留,监禁
  15. 替…弄到
  16. 引起,招致
  17. 实现
  18. 抵押
  19. 有保障


  1. 牢固的,可靠的 reliable; firmly fixed
  2. 有把握的,确切的 certain; not likely to be lost or to fail
  1. vt. 握紧,关牢 hold or close tightly
  2. vt. 使安全 make safe
  3. vt. (使)获得; 把…搞到手 (cause to) get, especially as the result of effort


  1. free from fear or doubt; easy in mind;

    "he was secure that nothing will be held against him"

  2. free from danger or risk;

    "secure from harm" "his fortune was secure" "made a secure place for himself in his field"

  3. not likely to fail or give way;

    "the lock was secure" "a secure foundation" "a secure hold on her wrist"

  4. immune to attack; incapable of being tampered with;

    "an impregnable fortress" "fortifications that made the frontier inviolable" "a secure telephone connection"

  5. financially sound;

    "a good investment" "a secure investment"

  1. get by special effort;

    "He procured extra cigarettes even though they were rationed"

  2. cause to be firmly attached;

    "fasten the lock onto the door" "she fixed her gaze on the man"

  3. assure payment of
  4. make certain of;

    "This nest egg will ensure a nice retirement for us" "Preparation will guarantee success!"

  5. fill or close tightly with or as if with a plug;

    "plug the hole" "stop up the leak"

  6. furnish with battens;

    "batten ships"


  1. feel secure感到安全
  1. secure against使…免受
  2. secure oneself against accidents投保人身意外险
  3. secure borders against attack保证边界不受攻击
  4. secure against loss防止损失
  5. secure the village against floods使村庄免受水灾
  6. secure a harbour against waves使港口免受浪潮冲击
  7. secure from使…免受
  8. secure the house from burglary保护房屋以免遭窃
  9. secure from loss防止损失
  1. secure end达到目的
  2. secure sb's reputation维护某人的声望
  3. secure the windows关紧窗户
  1. secure blamelessly无过错地获得
  2. secure conditionally有条件地获得
  3. secure effectually有效地获得
  4. secure eventually最终获得
  5. secure fortunately幸运地获得
  6. secure legitimately合法地获得
  7. secure privately秘密地获得
  8. secure promptly迅速握紧
  9. secure questionably可疑地获得
  10. secure triumphantly胜利地获得


  1. If you are not sure it is secure, do not debug it.如果您不能确定它是安全的,请不要调试它。
  2. His place in history is now secure.他在历史上的地位现在已经稳固了。
  3. A climber needs secure footholds.攀登的人脚踩的地方要很牢固。
  4. We must create a secure and reliable international environment of lasting peace and stability.我们要创造安全可靠、长期稳定的国际和平环境。
  5. The document shall be kept in a secure place.文件应保管在安全的地方。
  1. Some measures are needed to secure the farmland against shift sand.需要采取措施使农田免遭流沙的侵袭。
  2. There is no magic wand to secure a just peace.要获得正义的和平并非易事。
  3. We must prepare our claim and send it to the insurance company to secure payment.我们得准备好索赔要求,并把它寄给保险公司以便获得赔偿。
  4. Remove the five screws that secure the battery tray to the vehicle.拆下固定电池架到车身的五个螺丝。
  5. The gate won't stay open, so we'll have to secure it to the post.大门不能一直开着,所以我们不得不将它固定在柱子上。


    secure的基本意思是“握紧”“关牢”,指关紧某物使其牢固,常用于某些可能丢失或逃脱的人或物,引申可表示“使安全”,还可表示“(使)获得”“把…搞到手”。 secure只用作及物动词,可接名词、代词、that从句或疑问词从句作宾语,还可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语。可用于被动结构。 secure常与介词against〔from〕连用表示“保护…使免于”。