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美  英
adj.  利己主义的;自我本位的


  1. Men are moved by only two levers: fear and self interest. 恐惧和兴趣能激励人。
  2. Nations are governed by self interest, but they prefer to believe that their aims are altruistic. 各国都只考虑自己的利益,却总愿意相信自己的目标是大公无私的。
  3. Normative power EU is a reflection of its strategy aim to the pursuit of self interest and construction of realpolitik. “规范性强权”欧盟反映了其通过价值规范来追求自我利益和进行实力政治建设的战略目标。
  4. Although self interest is always the primary motivator in a Gemini person, they are also known to be honest, straightforward and without guile. 虽然私利总是一个首要推动者双子人,也知是诚实爽朗,未经桂。
  5. Rule #21: We have developed a set of people whose self interest is more paramount than the work or at least it appears so to older managers. 我们已经发现很多人把自己的个人兴趣看得比工作重要,至少那些老经理们看上去是这样。
  6. As a result of information asymmetry, drive of governmental self interest and hoggish tendency are shown necessarily " behavior is broken model " . 由于信息不对称,政府自身利益驱动和利己倾向必然表现出“行为失范”。