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美[ʃeɪd]  英[ʃeɪd]
n.  阴影;遮蔽;遮光物;(色彩的)浓淡
vt.  遮蔽;使阴暗;使渐变;略减(价格)
vi.  渐变
  名词:shader  过去式:shaded  过去分词:shaded  现在分词:shading  第三人称单数:shades


  1. 阴凉处
  2. 灯罩
  3. 阴暗
  4. 幽灵,鬼
  5. 浓淡
  6. 色度
  7. 遮光物,遮棚
  8. 阴暗部分,阴影部分
  9. 影子
  10. 太阳眼镜
  11. 背阴
  12. 浓淡深浅
  13. 暗部
  14. 差别
  1. 遮蔽,蔽荫,遮(光)
  2. 使阴暗,使阴郁,使暗,使变阴暗
  3. 逐渐变化, 在(画上)画阴影
  4. 画阴影(于)
  5. 给…遮挡(光线),在...装遮阳篷,装上遮光物
  6. 把…涂暗
  7. 略减(物价)
  8. 覆盖
  9. 隐藏,隐蔽
  10. 使失色,使黯淡
  11. 使色彩具有明暗层次
  12. (使)逐渐改变,渐变
  13. 加灯罩
  14. 险胜
  15. 渲染
  16. 使(色彩)逐渐变化,使逐渐发生细微变化
  17. 细微不同


  1. [U] 阴凉处 place where there is comparative darkness and often coolness caused by sth blocking direct light or heat, especially of the sun
  2. [U] 阴暗部分 dark part(s) of a picture, painting, etc.
  3. [C] 遮光物 thing that shuts out light or makes it less bright
  4. [C] 色度 degree or depth of colour; hue
  5. [U] 细微差别 a slight difference in sth
  1. vt. 遮蔽 keep direct rays of light from
  2. vt. 画阴影于…之上 represent the effect of shade or shadow on (an object in a picture)
  3. vi. 渐变 change slowly, gradually, or by slight degrees


  1. relative darkness caused by light rays being intercepted by an opaque body;

    "it is much cooler in the shade" "there's too much shadiness to take good photographs"

  2. a quality of a given color that differs slightly from another color;

    "after several trials he mixed the shade of pink that she wanted"

  3. protective covering that protects something from direct sunlight;

    "they used umbrellas as shades" "as the sun moved he readjusted the shade"

  4. a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude;

    "without understanding the finer nuances you can't enjoy the humor" "don't argue about shades of meaning"

  5. a position of relative inferiority;

    "an achievement that puts everything else in the shade" "his brother's success left him in the shade"

  6. a slight amount or degree of difference;

    "a tad too expensive" "not a tad of difference" "the new model is a shade better than the old one"

  7. a mental representation of some haunting experience;

    "he looked like he had seen a ghost" "it aroused specters from his past"

  8. a representation of the effect of shadows in a picture or drawing (as by shading or darker pigment)
  1. cast a shadow over
  2. represent the effect of shade or shadow on
  3. protect from light, heat, or view;

    "Shade your eyes when you step out into the bright sunlight"

  4. vary slightly;

    "shade the meaning"

  5. pass from one quality such as color to another by a slight degree;

    "the butterfly wings shade to yellow"


  1. choose a shade选择颜色
  2. get shade from the sun不让太阳照射
  3. make shade成荫
  4. produce shade产生阴凉
  5. provide shade提供阴凉处
  6. seek shade找阴凉
  7. throw a shade on投阴影于…
  8. draw down the shade放下窗帘
  9. manufacture a shade制造灯罩
  10. pull down the shade把遮光帘放下
  11. raise the shade拉起窗帘
  12. afford sb shade给某人提供阴凉处
  13. offer sb shade给某人提供阴凉处
  14. cast into the shade使相形见绌,使逊色
  15. put sth into the shade使相形见绌,使逊色
  16. throw sth into the shade使相形见绌,使逊色
  1. new shade新罩
  2. cool shade凉爽的阴凉处
  3. pleasant shade令人愉快的阴凉处
  4. dark shade浓色
  5. deep shade浓色
  6. lighter shade稍淡些的颜色
  7. pale shade淡而柔和的颜色
  8. various shades各种色调
  9. delicate shades细微差别
  10. minute shades细微差别
  1. lamp shade灯罩
  2. sun shade(女用)太阳伞;百叶窗
  3. window shade遮光帘
  1. beneath shade of a tree在树阴下
  2. in the shade在阴凉处
  3. desk lamp without a shade无罩台灯
  4. without a shade of confidence没有一点信心
  5. without a shade of doubt没有丝毫怀疑
  1. shade off into逐渐变成
  1. shade the eyes遮住眼睛
  2. shade the face遮住脸
  3. shade the forehead用手掩住前额
  1. shade appropriately恰当地遮蔽
  2. shade completely全部遮蔽
  3. shade coolly冷静地遮蔽
  4. shade disastrously灾难性地遮蔽
  5. shade fundamentally基本上遮蔽
  6. shade injuriously有害地遮蔽
  7. shade obviously明显地遮蔽
  8. shade partially局部地遮蔽
  9. shade properly恰当地遮蔽
  10. shade rarely很少遮蔽
  11. shade superficially表面上遮蔽
  12. shade unexpectedly意外地遮蔽


  1. This artist uses shade to good effect.这位画家有效地利用阴影。
  2. There are no trees or bushes to give shade.没有树木或灌木丛可以遮荫。
  3. Something,such as a window shade or a Venetian blind,that hinders vision or shuts out light.遮光物如窗帘或软百叶窗等能遮挡视线或挡住阳光的物体。
  4. The portrait shows fine effects of light and shade.这幅肖像画的浓淡色调表现得很好。
  1. He tried to shade his house with thick trees.他想让这些大树把房子遮住。
  2. He tried to shade in one side of his drawing.他想把他那幅画的一边涂成阴影。
  3. Is it possible to shade the prices a little?有没有可能降一点价格?
  1. The colors of the light shaded from blue into purple.光线的颜色由蓝逐渐变紫。


    shade的基本意思是指阳光照不到的“阴凉处”,常跟定冠词the连用; 也可指照片、油画等的“阴影,阴暗部分”,用作不可数名词。 shade可指能带来阴凉或遮盖较强光线的事物,即“遮光物”,常与其他名词构成复合词; 也可作“色调,色彩的浓淡”解; 作“细微的差别”解,常与介词of连用,用作可数名词。 shade用在文学语言中,还可作“鬼魂,虚幻的事物”解,用作可数名词; 作“昏暗的暮色”解时,常用复数形式。
    shade的基本意思是“遮蔽”,多指遮蔽光亮、炎热,也可指一物体处在另一物体的某一方位而使后者不显露出来; 还可指画阴影于图画上,以增加图画颜色的深度。 shade既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,意为“色调逐渐变化,产生细微差别”,常接介词into。


  1. 呆在阴凉处更凉快。

    It's cooler in a shade.

    It's cooler in the shade.



    We slept under the shade of the trees.

    We slept in the shade of the trees.
