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美[ʃæft]  英[ʃɑːft]
n.  柄;竖井;杆状物;矛;轴;(一道)光线
vt.  苛刻地对待;装杆于
  过去式:shafted  过去分词:shafted  现在分词:shafting  第三人称单数:shafts


  1. 柄,手柄,把手
  2. 通风井,升降机井,竖井
  3. 一道,一束
  4. 杆状物
  5. 箭杆,矛,箭
  6. 【机】轴
  7. 【矿】矿井
  8. 井状通道
  9. <美>讽刺话
  10. <美>苛刻待遇
  11. <美俚>大腿
  12. 【植】秆,茎
  13. 【动】羽轴
  1. 利用
  2. 苛刻地对待
  3. <美俚>欺骗
  4. 给...装上杆柄,在…上装杆,装杆于
  5. 撑(船)
  6. 射出...的光线
  7. 委屈某人


  1. [C] 箭杆,矛柄 long (usually wooden) stem of an arrow or spear
  2. [C] 轴 bar which turns part of a machine
  3. [C] 烟囱,通风管道,升降机井 long,narrow space running down the inside of a building,or extending underneath the ground to a mine,etc. below ground level
  4. [C] 光线 long,narrow beam of light


  1. a line that forms the length of an arrow pointer
  2. an aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile and intended to have a telling effect;

    "his parting shot was `drop dead'" "she threw shafts of sarcasm" "she takes a dig at me every chance she gets"

  3. a long rod or pole (especially the handle of an implement or the body of a weapon like a spear or arrow)
  4. a column of light (as from a beacon)
  5. the main (mid) section of a long bone
  6. obscene terms for penis
  7. a long pointed rod used as a tool or weapon
  8. a vertical passageway through a building (as for an elevator)
  9. (architecture) upright consisting of the vertical part of a column
  10. a long vertical passage sunk into the earth, as for a mine or tunnel
  11. a revolving rod that transmits power or motion
  12. the hollow spine of a feather
  1. equip with a shaft
  2. defeat someone through trickery or deceit


  1. In rotating, the shaft splashes oil up into the bearings.当轴旋转的时候就把油溅入轴承。
  2. The air flows down to a shaft and thus loses potential energy.空气向下进入竖井,因而失去势能。
  3. The horse stood between the shafts of the carriage.马站在大车车辕中间。
  4. If you bring them back to the lonely moor, you have to hit the shield three times with the shaft of the spear and then the silence of the moor will be broken forever.如果你把这矛和盾带回到偏僻的荒野来,你必须要用矛的柄击银盾三下,这样荒野的寂静就能永远被打破。
  5. Nothing seems to be wrong with the propeller shaft.转动轴看来没毛病。
  6. From somewhere above a shaft of crimson light fell upon him.不知从什么高处射来的一道红光,又正落在他身上。