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美['ʃæmi]  英['ʃæmi]
n.  麂皮(油鞣革)


  1. a soft suede leather formerly from the skin of the chamois antelope but now from sheepskin


  1. When you've washed the car, wipe it down well with a shammy leather. 汽车冲洗后, 用油鞣革把它擦净。
  2. A: I want to talk to that Shammy girl at school so badly.What should I do? 我好想跟学校里那个叫做雪咪的女孩说话,我该怎麽做呢?
  3. Stuss and Shammi's most humorless patients had a damaged area in the frontal lobe known as the medial ventral prefrontal cortex. 斯特斯和谢米所研究的那些最没有幽默感的病人,其脑前叶的受伤位置就在一个叫做“脑前叶下腹中轴皮层”的地方。
  4. If you are saving up badges or arena points or whatever for your enhancement shammy, I would definitely NOT go out and get two fast caster weapons. 如果你在为增强萨满攒牌子或者竞技点数什么的,是我的话我是肯定不会去拿两把快速法系武器的。
  5. In their summary of the study, Stuss and Shammi point out that the right frontal lobe has long been considered "the most silent of brain areas. 斯特斯和谢米在总结他们的实验结果时指出:长期以来,人们一直认为大脑右前叶是人脑最沉默的区域。
  6. Don't get shammy, do something! 别去拿麂皮,想办法做点什么!!