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美[ʃɑːrp]  英[ʃɑːp]
adj.  锋利的;突然的;灵敏的;明显的;辛辣的;【音】升音阶的
adv.  准时地;突然地;偏高地
  副词:sharply  比较级:sharper  最高级:sharpest  名词:sharpness  过去式:sharped  过去分词:sharped  现在分词:sharping  第三人称单数:sharps


  1. 锋利的,锐利的
  2. 急转的
  3. 辛辣的
  4. 尖的
  5. 精明的
  6. 狡猾的
  7. 急剧的
  8. 明显的
  9. 敏锐的
  10. 严厉的,苛刻的
  11. 升半音的
  12. 机警的
  13. 轮廓鲜明的
  14. 刺耳的
  15. 易怒的
  16. 敏捷的
  17. 激烈的,强烈的
  1. 急剧地
  2. 突然地,急速地
  3. 锐利地,尖锐地
  4. 机警地,警觉地
  5. 整点
  6. 【音】偏高地,偏高音地,升半音地
  7. 准时地
  8. 向左/向右急转
  9. 轻快地
  1. 【音】升半音,升记号,升音,升号
  2. <口>骗子
  3. 缝衣长针,细长针
  4. 夏普(音译名)
  5. <美俚>内行,专家
  6. 医疗用利器
  1. 【音】升音演唱
  2. 【音】把(音调)提高半音
  3. 磨利,磨快,磨
  4. 【音】提高音调,提高半音
  5. 骗,欺诈


  1. 锋利的,尖锐的 having a fine edge or point; capable of cutting or piecing; not blunt
  2. 急转的,陡峭的; 突然的,急剧的 changing direction suddenly; abruptly
  3. 轮廓鲜明的,明显的,清晰的 well-defined; distinct; clear
  4. 刺骨的,凛冽的; 剧烈的 producing a physical sensation of cutting or piecing; keen
  5. 灵敏的,机警的 quickly aware of things; acute; alert
  6. 蓄意中伤的,尖刻的,严厉的 intended or intending to criticize, injure, etc.harsh; severe
  7. 过分精明的,狡猾的,不择手段的 quick to take advantage of sb/sth; unscrupulous
  8. 时髦的,漂亮的 smart or stylish
  9. [P] 偏高的,升半音的 above normal or correct pitch; raised half a tone in pitch
  1. 准时地 punctually
  2. 突然地,急剧地 suddenly; abruptly
  3. 偏高 above the correct pitch


  1. a musical notation indicating one half step higher than the note named
  2. a long thin sewing needle with a sharp point
  1. (of something seen or heard) clearly defined;

    "a sharp photographic image" "the sharp crack of a twig" "the crisp snap of dry leaves underfoot"

  2. ending in a sharp point
  3. having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions;

    "an acute observer of politics and politicians" "incisive comments" "icy knifelike reasoning" "as sharp and incisive as the stroke of a fang" "penetrating insight" "frequent penetrative observations"

  4. marked by practical hardheaded intelligence;

    "a smart businessman" "an astute tenant always reads the small print in a lease" "he was too shrewd to go along with them on a road that could lead only to their overthrow"

  5. harsh;

    "sharp criticism" "a sharp-worded exchange" "a tart remark"

  6. having or emitting a high-pitched and sharp tone or tones ;

    "a shrill whistle" "a shrill gaiety"

  7. extremely steep;

    "an abrupt canyon" "the precipitous rapids of the upper river" "the precipitous hills of Chinese paintings" "a sharp drop"

  8. keenly and painfully felt; as if caused by a sharp edge or point;

    "a sharp pain" "sharp winds"

  9. having or made by a thin edge or sharp point; suitable for cutting or piercing;

    "a sharp knife" "a pencil with a sharp point"

  10. (of a musical note) raised in pitch by one chromatic semitone;

    "C sharp"

  11. very sudden and in great amount or degree;

    "a sharp drop in the stock market"

  12. quick and forceful;

    "a sharp blow"

  1. changing suddenly in direction and degree;

    "the road twists sharply after the light" "turn sharp left here" "the visor was acutely peaked" "her shoes had acutely pointed toes"


  1. sharp agony极大的痛苦
  2. sharp attention密切注意
  3. sharp bend急转弯
  4. sharp blade锋利的刃
  5. sharp cry of distress凄厉的尖叫声
  6. sharp dagger锐利的匕首
  7. sharp ears灵敏的听觉
  8. sharp engineer精明的工程师
  9. sharp fellow寡廉鲜耻的人
  10. sharp flash of light强烈的闪光
  11. sharp flavour辛辣味
  12. sharp grief极度悲痛
  13. sharp insight敏锐的洞察力
  14. sharp intelligence聪明
  15. sharp lawyer精明的律师
  16. sharp nose尖鼻子
  17. sharp outline鲜明的轮廓
  18. sharp peak尖尖的山峰
  19. sharp pencil削尖的铅笔
  20. sharp pin尖利的大头针
  21. sharp razor锋利的刮胡刀
  22. sharp retort刻薄的反驳
  23. sharp scolding严厉的责骂
  24. sharp sense of smell灵敏的嗅觉
  25. sharp sight敏锐的目光
  26. sharp smell刺鼻的气味
  27. sharp soap苛性皂
  28. sharp sword利剑
  29. sharp temper易怒的脾气
  30. sharp tongue快嘴利舌
  31. sharp trader精明的商人
  32. sharp weather严寒的天气
  33. sharp whistle刺耳的哨声
  1. sharp at擅长…,善于…
  2. sharp at a bargain精于讨价还价
  3. sharp at arithmetic精于算术
  4. sharp at figures算得快
  5. sharp with对…严厉的
  6. sharp with the secretary对秘书严厉


  1. Cats have sharp claws.猫有锋利的爪子。
  2. There is a sharp drop in the prices.价格出现暴跌。
  3. It was very sharp of you to have noticed that.你注意到了这一点是够机灵的。
  4. Bring the object into focus if you want a sharp photograph.要照出清晰的照片,就要把焦点对准物体。
  5. The cheese is a little too sharp for me.我觉得这干酪味道重了点。
  1. We arrived at three(o'clock) sharp.我们在三点整到达。
  2. The car turned sharp left.那部车向左急转弯。
  3. He is singing sharp.他唱得偏高一点。


    sharp的基本意思是“锋利的,尖锐的”,也可作“急转的,陡峭的”“突然的,急剧的”“尖锐的,刺耳的”“强烈的,辛辣的,刺鼻的”“刺骨的,凛冽的,剧烈的”“蓄意中伤的,尖刻的,严厉的”解; 指人时,强调精明,不易受骗,指动作时强调机警、敏捷等,可作“灵敏的,机警的”“迅速的,敏捷的,活跃的”“过分精明的,狡猾的,不择手段的”“时髦的,漂亮的”解。 sharp在句中可用作定语或表语。
    sharp用作副词的意思是“准时地”,指时间的“正点”。 sharp也可作“突然地,急剧地”解,指方向的急转。 sharp还可作“偏高”解,指乐声偏高或升半音。