美 英
n. 真言宗(日本佛教的一派)
Noun- a form of Buddhism emphasizing mystical symbolism of mantras and mudras and the Buddha's ideal which is inexpressible
- Shomyo in Japanese Tendai and Shingon Buddhism. 在日本坦达和佛教真言。
- One, Unsho, an instructor in Shingon, kept Buddha's precepts scrupulously.He never drank intoxicants, nor did he eat after eleven o'clock in the morning. 一位是真言宗的大师运升,他恪守佛陀戒律,从不饮酒,也不在11点钟之后进食。
- During the early Heian period, two new Buddhist sects were introduced from China: the Tendai sect in 805 by Saicho and the Shingon sect in 806 by Kukai. Heian时期的早期,两大佛教分支从中国传至日本:一个是由Saicho于805年引入的Tendai分支,一个是由Kukai于806年引入的shingo分支。
- Saicho, sea and air, respectively, the creation of Japan’s Tiantai and Shingon, and follow the example of the Tang dynasty, created a Japanese Buddhist Temple in the mountains in our community. 最澄、空海分别创立了日本的天台宗和真言宗,并且仿效唐朝,开创了日本佛教在山岳建寺的风气。
- The greater baptism, used on special occasions by the Shingon sect, for washing way sin and evil and entering into virtue; 灌顶是洗掉罪恶注入功德的意思。