the amount of cargo that can be held by a boat or ship or a freight car;
"he imported wine by the boatload"
A single fact is worth a shipload of arguments. 一桩事实抵得上一船雄辩。
So its growth strains the environment as far away as Canada, Brazil, Australia and Indonesia, where it buys raw materials by the shipload. 所以中国的经济发展对环境的过度破坏现象,比加拿大、巴西、澳大利亚和印度尼西亚等依靠原材料进口的国家更严重。
The BBC has obtained the clearest evidence yet for that the shipload of arms hijacked by pirates south of Somalia was heading for south Sudan. BBC已经获得了最明确的证据证实被索马里海岛武装劫持的货船正驶向南苏丹。
Cargo unloaded in the port was spectacular in both volume and quality.Marble, papyrus, jewels, gold, spices, silk, ivory, fur and linen arrived by the shipload. 港口卸载的货物不论质、量都首屈一指,大理石、纸草、珠宝、黄金、香料、丝料、象牙、皮毛、亚麻等等都是一船船运抵。
The FDA database also fails to disclose the quantity of products that are refused, so it is impossible to know whether just a box of cucumbers was refused or a shipload. FDA的数据也不能反映出被拒产品的数量,因此,也无法知道究竟是一箱还是一船的黄瓜被拒。
Israel also bombed a suspected nuclear site in the Syrian desert in 2007 and recently intercepted a shipload of Iranian arms apparently bound, through Syrian ports, for Hizbullah. 以又2007年用炸弹摧毁了一处位于叙利亚沙漠中的可疑核设施,最近又截获了经绕叙利亚港口,前往黎巴嫩真主党的一船伊朗武器。