a drawing made on specially prepared paper with an instrument having a silver tip (15th and 16th centuries)
A concave mirror would project a real inverted image of the silverpoint onto the panel, which van Eyck would trace. 凹面镜把颠倒的实像投射到木板上,于是范艾克便可以在板子上描画。
Hockney and Falco explain this shift as follows: van Eyck traced part of the image projected in an epidiascope, then accidentally bumped the silverpoint, the oil or the mirror, and finally traced the remaining, now shifted, image. 霍克尼与法柯对此位移的解释如下:范艾克用幻灯机描了部份的影像后,不小心碰到银尖笔、油画、或者镜子,然后继续描完剩下已经位移的影像。
Common instruments include graphite pencils, pen and ink, inked brushes, wax color pencils, crayons, charcoals, chalk, pastels, markers, stylus, or various metals like silverpoint. 大多数的画家在从事一幅油画或壁画之前,便先有绘画雏型出来,而这个简单几笔的雏型画,便是素描,素描很少用来制作为成品,但也有画家使用这种方式制作,而这样的成品画和画稿有所出入,因为此类的素描是在画完雏型的基本功外,再添加细部光影变化的描绘。