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美[sleɪ]  英[sleɪ]
n.  [纺]筘座


  1. Vaenzgeis ndayjlaeb,gya laiz gais sley kek dob toj! 今天有点时间,加写汉字壮读!
  2. Green part looks like preen hill uhich two reach to Hee sley. 其中绿色部分酷象两座青山,高耸入云,相连相偎,遥相倾诉。
  3. According to Sultex, the sley drive by complementary cams optimizes sley dwell. 据苏尔寿介绍,由补充镶板驱动的筘座优化了筘座静止时间。
  4. This effect would be absent if the sley dwelt during the period of shuttle flight. 如果梭子飞行期间筘座停顿,这种效果便不复存在了。
  5. The Sulzer sley drive uses several pairs of matched cams, spaced at intervals across the width of the sley. 苏尔寿片梭织机的筘座驱动装置使用几对共轭凸轮,共轭凸轮沿筘座的宽度方向相同排列。
  6. The mass of the reciprocating parts is small compared with that of the sley in a shuttle loom. 与有梭织机的筘座相比,苏尔寿片梭织机往复运动构件的质量较小。