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美[sɒlən'tʃæk]  英[sɒlən'tʃæk]
n.  [地]盐土


  1. The kernel of solonchak agriculture is to breed halophyte with high economy to endure the saline environment. 盐土农业的关键是选育有经济价值的耐盐植物以适应盐渍环境。
  2. Planting puooinellia tennuifira is a long-term biolongical, low input and efficient method of ameliorating the meadow solonchak and solonetz soil. 种植星星草改良盐碱土是耗资低见效快,效果持久的生物措施。
  3. In solonchak soils, the activity of the three soil enzymes in the rhizosphere is generally higher than in bulk soils while that in cultivated gray-desert soils are lower. 结果表明:过氧化氢酶、脲酶和蛋白酶在两种土壤的植物根际表现出相反的变化,荒漠盐土中,根际土3种酶的活性均高于非根际土;
  4. It can utilize.Salinity at superficial coat are highter in solonchak,Below levels salinity is low,particularly was modified solum,where is obvious weakprocess.At salt... 在本区盐渍土地上,采取合理的改良措施后,可以逐步地进行防污林带营造等保护生态环境的工程。
  5. Abstract: Solonchak agriculture is a kind of agriculture which uses diverse saline soil and uncropped land irrigated with saline water or seawater to cultivate economic halophyte. 摘 要: 盐土农业是利用各类盐渍土、荒漠土和利用咸水、海水灌溉,种植有一定经济价值的耐盐碱植物的农业。
  6. The microbial properties of artificial soil mixed with brackish dredged sediment,caustic sludge and coal ash were studied,with coastal solonchak and Turbi-Anthric Primosol as the control. 以滨海盐土、扰动人为新成土(客土)为对照,就利用海湾泥、碱渣和粉煤灰作为城市园林绿化种植基质的土壤微生物特性进行了研究。