the fleshy axis of a spike often surrounded by a spathe
Flowers densely gathered into a terminal, spadix, minute. 花细小,密聚集成顶生的佛焰花序,。
South African plant widely cultivated for its showy pure white spathe and yellow spadix. 长有耀眼的纯白色苞和黄色纤维的一种南非种植植物。
Spadix rachis flat, margin with bract-like appendages; flowers small, monoecious, in 2 series on rachis, apetalous. 肉穗花序轴扁平,边缘有苞片状附属物;花小,单性,雌雄同株,呈2列排列于花序轴上,无花被。
Amorphophallus: means, literally, "shapeless penis." The name comes from the shape of the erect black spadix. 魔芋:是指,字面意思是“无形的阴茎。”这个名字来自于耸立花蕊形状。
Characteristics: Perennial evergreen erect herb, rhizome large. Leaves simple, peltate, up to 1 m long, margin entire; spadix near apex; berry red when ripe. 形态:多年生直立草本,根茎粗大。单叶盾状,可达1公尺长,全缘;佛焰花序近顶生;浆果成熟红色。
An aquatic plant (Orontium aquaticum) of the eastern United States, having a clublike, golden-yellow spadix, small blue-green berries, and floating leaves. 奥昂蒂:美国东部一种水栖植物(奥昂蒂奥昂蒂属),有棍状、金黄色佛焰花序,蓝绿色浆果和浮叶