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美[spend]  英[spend]
n.  预算;花销
v.  花费;浪费;度过;用尽(气力等)
  形容词:spendable  名词:spender  过去式:spent  过去分词:spent  现在分词:spending  第三人称单数:spends


  1. 预算
  2. 花销,开销,花费
  3. 消费总额
  1. 用尽,耗尽,用完
  2. 浪费,乱花,滥用
  3. 花,费,用(钱),花费, 支出
  4. 度过
  5. 消耗,消磨(时间)
  6. 产(卵)
  7. 过(日子)
  8. 花时间,花费精力
  9. (使)筋疲力尽,(使)极度衰弱
  10. 献出(生命)
  11. 把用于…
  12. 失去(桅杆)


  1. vt. & vi. 用钱; 花钱 pay out money in order to get sth
  2. vt. 度过; 用尽 pass time; finish


  1. pass time in a specific way;

    "how are you spending your summer vacation?"

  2. pay out;

    "spend money"

  3. spend completely;

    "I spend my pocket money in two days"


  1. spend a weekend度周末
  2. spend money花钱
  3. spend one's childhood度过童年
  4. spend one's life度过一生
  5. spend one's resources用尽聪明才智
  6. spend one's spare time度过业余时间
  7. spend oneself筋疲力尽
  8. spend summer vacation度暑假
  9. spend the hour idly混时间
  10. spend the last years of one's life度晚年
  11. spend the rest of one's life度过余生
  12. spend the Spring Festival过春节
  13. spend the winter过冬
  14. spend thought用脑筋
  15. spend time花时间
  1. spend abroad在国外度过
  2. spend fast过得快
  3. spend soon很快消耗
  4. spend amicably友好地度过
  5. spend artfully有品味地花费
  6. spend cautiously小心地花钱
  7. spend constantly不断地花费
  8. spend efficiently花钱富有成效
  9. spend energetically精力旺盛地度过
  10. spend enjoyably快乐地花钱
  11. spend fondly盲目地花钱
  12. spend foolishly愚蠢地花钱
  13. spend freely随意地花钱
  14. spend generously慷慨地花钱
  15. spend gloomily忧伤地度过
  16. spend greedily贪婪地花费
  17. spend honestly真正地花钱
  18. spend idly空闲地度日
  19. spend impatiently不耐烦地度过
  20. spend indiscreetly轻率地花钱
  21. spend judiciously审慎地花费
  22. spend languidly懒散地度过
  23. spend lavishly大手大脚地花钱
  24. spend logically合理地花钱
  25. spend luxuriously豪华地度过
  26. spend moderately适度地花费
  27. spend occasionally偶尔花费
  28. spend passively消极度过
  29. spend pleasantly高兴地花钱
  30. spend probably适当地花费
  31. spend profusely大量地花钱
  32. spend rashly轻率地花钱
  33. spend reasonably明智地花钱
  34. spend reluctantly勉强度过
  35. spend spiritually精神上花费
  36. spend systematically有规律地度过
  37. spend unnecessarily不必要地花钱
  38. spend unreasonably不合理地花钱
  39. spend up把钱花光
  1. spend for为…而花费
  2. spend 8000 dollars for a new car花八千美元买一辆新车
  3. spend most of one's salaries for clothes把大部分薪水花在买衣服上
  4. spend in把…花费在,把…用于
  5. spend five years in accomplishing the project花五年时间完成这项工程
  6. spend on在…上花费
  7. spend seven days on the job在这项工作上花费了七天时间


  1. The average spend on higher education was 55 pounds per head.用于高等教育的平均支出是每人55英镑。
  2. The new law will put a lid on government spend.新法律将限制政府开支。
  1. The time I spend in commuting every day adds up to three hours.我每天上下班乘车花费的时间加起来有3个小时。
  2. You really shouldn't spend so much effort on it.你真不该在这件事上花费这么大的精力。
  3. We should not spend our fortune.我们不能浪费钱财。
  4. How do you spend your spare time?你业余时间怎么打发?
  5. Cowboys spend most of their time out of doors.牛仔大部分时间都是在户外度过的。


    spend的基本意思是“花费时间、精力或金钱”,可指人使用、花费金钱,度过时光,也可指某人、物、事使尽〔耗光〕力量、能量、弹药等,还可指人在某物、事方面花费金钱、精力、时间等。 spend可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,只能以人作主语,接名词、代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。 spend的宾语后可接动词不定式,表示目的,作状语。 spend的宾语后常可接以介词in〔on,for〕引导的短语表示“把…花在…上”,介词宾语可以是名词,也可以是动名词。以动名词作宾语时介词in常可省略,尤其在口语中。 spend可用于“主+谓+宾+主补”结构,主语补足语可由形容词或过去分词充当。


  1. 她耗费了三个小时看电视。

    She spent three hours to watch TV.

    She spent three hours (in) watching TV.


    He spent much time to prepare for the examination.

    He spent much time preparing for the examination.

    当强调“花费时间做某事”时,常用spend time (in) v -ing, in可以省略,但spend后不能用动词不定式。


    Last night I went to a movie.How did you spend?

    Last night I went to a movie.How did you spend the night?



    We spent a good time in New York.

    We had a good time in New York.

    表示“过得愉快,玩得高兴”可用成语have a good time〔enjoy oneself〕,不可说spend a good time。


    We went to the cinema to spend the time until the train arrived.

    We went to the cinema to pass the time until the train arrived.
