Effect of sphingosine and the water stress on callus culture of Medicago sativa L. 鞘氨醇和水分胁迫对紫花苜蓿愈伤组织培养的影响。
Title: Effect of sphingosine and the water stress on callus culture of Medicago sativa L. 关键词:鞘氨醇;水分胁迫;紫花苜蓿;愈伤组织;酶活性
The synthesis of sphingosine and related long chain base have aroused much scientific interest in recent years. 鞘氨醇等的合成在有机合成界形成了一个经久不衰的热潮,应用各种新技术的合成方法不断出现。
Herein we review the chemical studies on sphingosine and related lipid derivatives,with focus on their chemical synthesis. 本文主要综述了鞘氨醇等衍生脂质的化学研究,特别是它们的化学合成进展。
S1P is formed by phosphorylation of sphingosine catalyzed by sphingosine kinase-1 (SphK-1). And SphK-1 can be activated by a number of growth factors and intracellular oncoproteins. 鞘氨醇激酶-1(sphingosine kinase,SphK-1)作为S1P生物合成调节的关键限速酶,与细胞抗凋亡、增殖效应密切相关。