The top of the bar-like hair was obtusely round in A montana, but spiculate in A. muricata and A. reticulate. 山刺番荔枝的棒状毛顶端钝圆,而刺番荔枝与牛心番荔枝的棒状毛顶端尖锐;
Phosphorus Pentoxide, also called Phosphoric Acid Anhydride, is a white, spiculate crystal. 五氧化二磷又名磷酸酐,白色针状晶体。
Results The appearances of breast cancer in CT were irregular mass or nodosity with lobular and spiculate boundary,distorted glands and higher density than normal glands. 结果乳腺癌的CT表现为不规则肿块或结节状影,有分叶,边缘放射状毛刺;
Results The results were, hypoechoic mass, 95.3%;spiculate and foliar margins 86% attenuation 53.5%.The arterial blood flow was found in 97.7% of them with RI>0.7 (86.0%). 结果超声检查显示包块呈低回声者占95.;3%25,包块周边呈毛刺样或蟹足样改变者占86
Results:Aneuploidy had statistic difference in lung carcinoma with lobulation,spiculate margin,spiculate protuberance and mediastional lymph node matastasis. 结果:CT显示分叶征、毛刺征、棘突征,有纵隔、肺门淋巴结转移的有无,其DNA异倍体检出率均有统计学差异。
Inflorescence composed of several slender, loosely spiculate racemes spaced along a central axis, spikelets paired but the sessile spikelet often reduced. 由纤细,松弛细刺总状花序沿着主轴线隔开的数个组成的花序,除了这退化的无梗小穗通常配对。