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美[spɪn]  英[spɪn]
v.  (使)旋转;疾驰;纺织;结网;眩晕
n.  纺织;旋转;眩晕;疾驰
  过去式:spun/span  过去分词:spun  现在分词:spinning  第三人称单数:spins


  1. 编造,杜撰
  2. 纺(纱),纺绩,纺织,纺线
  3. 结(网)
  4. 虚构
  5. 转动着做出
  6. 吐(丝)
  7. 晕眩,眩晕,眼花
  8. <美俚>跳舞
  9. (使)旋转
  10. 作(茧), 结(茧)
  11. 因打滑而空转,使(车轮)打空转
  12. 像丝一般地流出
  13. 疾驰
  14. 快速旋转
  15. 急转弯
  16. 急转身,猛转回头
  17. 甩干衣服
  18. 有倾向性地陈述
  19. 以有利于自己的口吻描述
  20. 卷线轴
  21. 旋冲
  22. 顺利进行
  1. 旋转
  2. 【物】自转、自旋
  3. 兜风,兜一圈
  4. <口>疾驰,疾驶
  5. 盘旋下降
  6. 螺旋
  7. 情绪低落
  8. 惊惶失措
  9. 眩晕
  10. 飞跑
  11. 飞过
  12. 划一划
  13. 【空】旋冲
  14. <口>暴跌,遽降
  15. 对一件新闻的看法
  16. 抬轿子(由竞选班子雇用的媒体顾问或政治顾问)


  1. vt. & vi. 使…旋转 cause (sth) to go round and round
  2. vt. 杜撰 produce, compose a narrative


  1. a swift whirling motion (usually of a missile)
  2. the act of rotating rapidly;

    "he gave the crank a spin" "it broke off after much twisting"

  3. a short drive in a car;

    "he took the new car for a spin"

  4. rapid descent of an aircraft in a steep spiral
  5. a distinctive interpretation (especially as used by politicians to sway public opinion);

    "the campaign put a favorable spin on the story"

  1. revolve quickly and repeatedly around one's own axis;

    "The dervishes whirl around and around without getting dizzy"

  2. stream in jets, of liquids;

    "The creek spun its course through the woods"

  3. cause to spin;

    "spin a coin"

  4. make up a story;

    "spin a yarn"

  5. form a web by making a thread;

    "spiders spin a fine web"

  6. work natural fibers into a thread;

    "spin silk"

  7. twist and turn so as to give an intended interpretation;

    "The President's spokesmen had to spin the story to make it less embarrassing"

  8. prolong or extend;

    "spin out a visit"


  1. spin a coin抛钱币
  1. spin assiduously〔industriously〕勤勉地旋转
  2. spin automatically自动地旋转
  3. spin dizzily使人头晕地旋转
  4. spin monotonously单调地旋转
  5. spin scientifically科学地旋转
  6. spin sickeningly令人作呕地旋转
  7. spin tirelessly不疲劳地旋转
  8. spin vigorously精力充沛地旋转
  9. spin along向前奔驰
  10. spin out尽量使某物延长,持续
  11. spin round快速旋转或回转
  1. spin about讲关于…
  2. spin by hand用手纺
  3. spin into把…纺成…
  4. spin on绕…转动


  1. My sister can spin on her toes like a dancer.我妹妹能像舞者一样踮着脚尖旋转。
  2. The motorcycles were spinning along at full speed.摩托车正全速疾驰。
  3. Mother used to spin her own yarn.母亲过去一直是自己纺纱的。
  4. In spring, they spin their cocoons.到了春天,它们才吐丝结茧。
  5. My head began to spin after three glasses of wine.三杯酒落肚,我的头开始发晕了。
  1. Before the invention of spin technology, zoic fur were mainly material.在纺织技术尚未发明之前,动物的毛皮是人们服装的主要材料。
  2. The pitcher gave a spin to the ball.投手使球旋转。
  3. I've been in a real spin all morning.我整个上午都晕头转向的。
  4. Let's go for a spin in my new car.坐我的新汽车兜一圈吧。


    spin用作名词的意思是“旋转”,转化为动词作“使…旋转”解,指人或物围绕着自身轴心或外部某一点快速转动,可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。 spin用于比喻时作“讲述”“编造”“撰写”解,用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,还可以接双宾语。 spin的过去式和过去分词均为spun。