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美['spɪnəbəl]  英['spɪnəbl]
adj.  可纺的


  1. capable or susceptible to being influenced by biased information
  2. capable of being spun into fibres


  1. Spinnable mesophase pitch was prepared from catalytic cracking residue of petroleum and uniform mesophase pitch carbon fibre (MPPCF) was obtained. 以石油系催化裂化渣油为原料,调制出可纺性的中间相沥青,并纺出均匀的中间相沥青纤维。
  2. Spinnable mesophase pitch was prepared ftom catalytic cracking residus of petroleum and uniform mesophase pitch carbon fibre (MPPCF) was obtained. 以石油系催化裂化渣油为原料,调制出可纺性的中间相沥青,并纺出均匀的中间相沥青纤维。
  3. The measure of noil quantity control, of noil quality improvement, of spinnable fiber ratio decrease in noil are analysed. 从多个角度提出了控制精梳落棉数量、提高精梳落棉质量、减少落棉中可纺纤维比例的措施 .
  4. Staple fiber may be varied in length, denier and other respects to render it spinnable on the several established systems for the natural fibers cotton, wool and flax. 聚酯短信纤维可以另工制造成不同的长度、细度或具其它性能,使其能够在天然纤维棉、毛及麻的几个加工系统中具有可纺性。
  5. A new way to recycling leather wastes was introduced in this paper, in which collagen protein was recovered and modified to gain spinnable dope with suitable molecular weight and viscosity. 介绍了一种皮革工业固体废弃物资源化的新途径。
  6. The characteristics of spinnable mullite sol prepared by sol-gel method 溶胶-凝胶法制备可纺莫来石溶胶的特性研究