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美[ˌspɪrɪ'toʊsoʊ]  英[ˌspɪrɪ'təʊsəʊ]
adj.  活泼的;热烈的;有生气的


  1. When yr life treat u satisfactory, u will be more spiritoso to do something eles.It is the redound of yr beautiful life. 当你的生活能够满足你;你就可以精神饱满的去迎接人生的下一步.
  2. Analizza scrupoloso l'ambiente spiritoso ed etico che ha portato alla sconfitta della Francia dall'esercito tedesco ed allora richiama queste edizioni con il prospetto della vittoria francese finale. Weil 的书在对根的需要有一个雄心勃勃的计划。它下决心演讲过去和开始路线图为未来法国在WWII 以后。
  3. With the construction and development of numerous urban in China, commercial street, as the most spiritoso street opening space, has become one of the basic inscapes of urban landscape design. 伴随当前城市建设的迅速发展,商业街作为最富有活力的街道开放空间,已经成为城市景观设计中最基本的构成要素之一。
  4. You're expected to be sincere,mature,cultural,also spiritoso,similar to my age and stature,self-support and having a steady occupation,and ,living in Hangzhou or able to come to Hangzhou. 希望你阳光一些,真诚,较为成熟,有修养,和我有相近的年纪、个子、身材,有一定经济基础(工作稳定,能自立)。
  5. con spiritoso 充满元气