Spirometry was performed on all eligible participants. 所有适宜的参与者都做了肺量测量。
This test may be performed if your symptoms and spirometry test do not clearly show asthma. 如果你的症状和肺功能测试并不能清楚地表明你患有哮喘,那么你就可以进行这项试验。
Pre-flight assessment included oximetry (96%), spirometry (95%), hypoxic challenge (45%) and walk test (10%). 飞行前评估包括血氧定量(96%25),肺量测定(95%25),低氧激发试验(45%25)和步行试验(10%25)。
However, people with cough-variant asthma often have normal physical examinations, chest X-rays, and spirometry. 然而,咳嗽变异性哮喘患者的身体检查,胸部X光检查以及肺活量测定结果往往是正常的。
All individuals underwent a baseline LDCT and spirometry followed by yearly repeat LDCT studies. 所有受试者接受了肺功能检测和LDCT测定,并且以后每年均接受LDCT研究。
During this test, you inhale increasing amounts of methacholine aerosol mist before and after spirometry. 在这个试验中,你要先吸入大量的醋甲胆碱气雾剂,然后再进行肺活量测试。