This guy has a future in sportswriting if he wants to work that cheap. 这个家伙将来如果愿意接受低薪的话,他肯定会成为一个杰出的体育新闻写手。
And like a loyal All-Star Weekend subject, I broke all sportswriting propriety and cheered. 而我就如同全明星周末的一介忠实子民,打破了所有体育新闻界的行为规范,在记者席间大声喝彩起来。
There arelots of jobs associated with baseball, from concession stand operatorand sports management to physical therapy and sportswriting. 也许你是个擅长组织比赛的人,或者你最会解决代数难题。
Yet, the reason I most remember Carter's performance was that I broke one of sportswriting's cardinal rules: No cheering in the press box. 不过,卡特表演令我印象最深的一点在于,我打破了体育报导的首要原则:不得在记者席上喝彩。
“I'm not surprised,” I say. “The good news is that if the tennis goes badly, you have a career in sportswriting. “我一点都不吃惊,”我说。“有个好消息是如果你的网球打不好了,你就可以去写体育新闻。”