"he was a bull of a man" "a thick-skinned bruiser ready to give as good as he got"
Band strapping Enclosing a stack of printed material with a strong, thin plastic band to secure it. The machine used for this purpose is a Band strapper. 用紧韧而薄的胶带把一定数量的印刷品扎紧。做这样工作的机器是捆扎机。
This magnificent strapper in green/gold-shimmering "armour" is always at your service to conquer your pleasure nerves with wild vibrations.Size: 21 x 3-4 cm. 这个高贵的大侠身披金绿色的盔甲,随时准备用他疯狂的震荡为您提供征服您快感的服务。