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美[ˌstreɪtoʊ'kjuːmjələs]  英[ˌstrætəʊ'kjuːmjələs]
n.  层积云


  1. Bruise-black clouds silhouetted a forest of giant gymnosperms while stratocumulus towered nine kilometers high in a violent sky. 长满巨大裸子植物的森林在乌青的黑云下现出黑色影像,而层积云就像万米高塔直插入狂暴天穹。
  2. Some types, such as marine stratocumulus clouds, can have a significant cooling effect thanks to their ability to reflect sunlight back out to space before it ever reaches the surface of the planet. 其中有些人认为气候变化只能通过负增长的方式解决,而另一些人则认为像目前这样定义的“增长”则是完全错误的经济目标。
  3. Reflectivity and rain rate in and below drizzling stratocumulus 毛毛雨层积云中和以下的反射率和降雨率
  4. Turbulence measurements in marine stratocumulus with airborne Doppler radar 海上层积云机载多普勒雷达湍流的测量
  5. Observations and numerical simulations of the diurnal cycle of the EUROCS stratocumulus case EUROCS层积云中日变程个例的观测和数值模拟
  6. An analysis of statistical characteristics of stratus and stratocumulus over eastern Pacific 在太平洋东部上空层云和层积云统计特性的分析