The development process of strawboard in China is briefly reviewed. 简述我国发展秸秆人造板的三个阶段。
Physical: 4 : Strawboard, col. 4拼图 : 硬纸板, 彩色 ;
A review is presented of the current development stituation and existing problems of nonwood based panelsincluding agri-fiber board(strawboard),bamboo board and shrub board in China. 介绍我国农业剩余物秸秆人造板、竹材人造板和沙生灌木人造板等非木材人造板的发展现状及非木材人造板发展过程中存在的问题。
Thermal Transfer Properties of Low Density Wheat Strawboard 轻质麦秸板的传热特性
Study on flame retardance in provement of paper strawboard 纸面稻草板阻燃性能的改进研究
Discussion on Some Points of China's Strawboard Industry 我国秸秆人造板工业若干问题之我见