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美[streptoʊ'maɪsiːt]  英[streptəʊ'maɪsiːt]
n.  [微]链霉菌


  1. And a few new viewpoints and results about HPLC-IPD method and aminoglycoside and streptomycete antibiotics were reported. 第一部分 HPLC-IPD检测氨基苷类抗生素方法的建立
  2. The experiment of killing Oncomlania hupensis with the soaking liquid of Arisaema erubescens Schott mixing with streptomycete were investigated in greenhouse. 天南星水浸液及其与链霉菌稀释液配伍,用于灭螺实验,结果显示,天南星具有很强的灭螺效果,不同部位的灭螺效果为:根>叶>茎。
  3. Fermentation Conditions for the New Anti-bacterial Active Substance Produced by the Streptomycete Fusant SR-7 链霉菌融合子SR-7产生抗细菌新活性物质的适宜条件
  4. Screening of Antagonistic Streptomycete from Soils Against Meloidogyne incognita 南方根结线虫拮抗链霉菌的筛选和鉴定
  5. Killing Effect of Arisaema erubescens Schott and Its Mixing with Streptomycete on Oncomelania hupensis 及其与链霉菌配伍灭螺效果
  6. Keywords Arisaema erubescens Schott;Oleand;Oncomlania hupensis;streptomycete;cooperation; 天南星;夹竹桃;钉螺;链霉菌;协同作用;