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美[st'resfr'iː]  英[st'resfr'iː]
adj.  无压力的


  1. The stress free process makes the sealing strong and leakage proof. 检测证实,获得了性能良好的封接结果。
  2. Taking a look at acne, it's causes and specifically it's treatments to enable you to lead a less stress free lifestyle. 亲眼看一看痤疮,它的原因和具体,它的治疗方法,让你过少强调自由的生活方式。
  3. Business Centre offers secretarial and office support to busy esecutives, making business travel totally stress free. 酒店拥有设施完善的商务中心,帮您解决繁忙的商务事务。
  4. Business Centre offers secretarial and office support to busy executives, making business travel totally stress free. 酒店拥有设施完善的商务中心,帮您解决繁忙的商业事务。
  5. During "Kang Kang Sue Wol Lae" it is a very stress free time for women to be carefree. 祭祀结束后,在摆上宴席,高高兴兴的度过一天。
  6. The staff at Kaya Prestige offers a range services that ensures your stay is as stress free as possible. 您可于时髦的环境中享受配备了空调的客房和家一般舒适的设备。