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美[sə'bɜːrbənaɪt]  英[sə'bɜːbənaɪt]
n.  郊区居民


  1. a resident of a suburb


  1. From the entrial triffic condition,I think we are reaching the suburbanite of the city. 2从整个交通情况来看,我想我们快到这个城市的郊区了。
  2. Which ups the odds that a mosquito stalking a suburbanite may have recently fed on a bird carrying the virus. 因此一只嗡嗡飞向市郊居民的蚊子,刚刚叮过带有病毒的鸟的可能性就增加了。
  3. Even if the film falters overall, Winslet's performance as an unhappy suburbanite should give her one of two nominations this year. 即使电影整体够结巴的,但温斯莱特诠释出了一个不愉快的郊区居民,今年应该给她一到两个提名。
  4. In old age she sometimes seemed just another rich white suburbanite, comfortably behind her security fence, sighing over her whisky and soda about “that president of ours”. 在晚年,她有时似乎只是一个富有的白人郊区居民,在她的安全围墙后,舒适地品着威士忌和苏打水,叹息着“我们的那位总统”。
  5. Affluence means moving to the suburbs, but the American suburbanite sees, if anything, less of the country than the city apartment dweller with his window boxes and his African violets carefully tended under lights. 生活优裕意味着从城区迁往郊区,但如果说两者有什么不同的话,那就是美国郊区居民所欣赏到的田园景色反不如城区公寓居民多,因为后者有窗槛花箱,而他的非洲紫罗兰在光线照耀下得到细心照料。
  6. Ben is the pride of his wealthy Southern California suburbanite parents who have invited all of their friends rather than his to the party to celebrate his graduation from college. 本的父母住在南加州郊区,家境富裕。他们以儿子为荣,为了庆祝儿子大学毕业,请来了他们所有的朋友(而不是本的朋友)参加聚会。