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美['sʌfəˌkeɪtɪv]  英['sʌfəˌkeɪtɪv]
adj.  喘不过气的;令人窒息的


  1. causing difficulty in breathing especially through lack of fresh air and presence of heat;

    "the choking June dust" "the smothering soft voices" "smothering heat" "the room was suffocating--hot and airless"


  1. Pressure is very great, am I what press suffocative come? 压力好大,压的我喘不过气来?
  2. The coquettish young girl, seems a little bit suffocative foul-smelled! 首页>>性感MM>>娇滴滴的少女,看起来有点闷骚!
  3. The competition between the boss' pressure and colleague, whether to already make you suffocative come? 老板的压力和同事间的竞争,是否已让你喘不过气来了呢?
  4. Why to always feel him pressure is very great, pressing me to seem suffocative came. . 为什么总觉得自己压力好大,压着我好象都喘不过气来了。。
  5. He is almost suffocative come: "This adds up than those two even only even expensive, it after all Where is able what? 他几乎喘不过气来:“这一只甚至比那两只加起来还要贵,它究竟能干什么呢?”
  6. I what pressure of working study emotive presses am suffocative come, want to ask me true need sees psychological doctor? 工作学习感情的压力压的我喘不过气来,想问下我是不是真的需要去看心理医生?