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美[ˌsjuːɪ'saɪdəli]  英[ˌsjuːɪ'saɪdəli]
adv.  自杀性地;毁灭性地


  1. In first love, we put in our affections suicidally, without results. 初恋都是那种自掘坟墓式的感情投入,往往没有结果,却把自己埋得很深。
  2. The entry was more of a free-fall, really, Lron's piloting veering between the suicidally reckless and the professionally competent. 进入大气的过程,更像是自由落体。勒荣的操舵时而莽撞的近乎自杀,时而又显得专业十足。
  3. In addition to being whimsically functional, the “Dielectrics” serve to protect the outlets from the suicidally probing fingers of unfortunate small children. 这样的设计除了有很强的实用性外,还具有保护性能,可以避免儿童触电。
  4. It’s all such rot.Governments commit military forces for reasons of state, however malign those reasons may e.But an angry young man or woman is just that: suicidally, homicidally angry. 已经死亡的人又再度回到日夜思念著自己的人的面前,而且样子跟死亡的时候一模一样,完全没有变老,看到心爱的家人,情人突然出现在面前。
  5. Mental nursing of patients with fractures by suicidally falling off buildings 坠楼自杀致骨折病人的心理护理
  6. the quiet, serious, suicidally depressed Minoru is none of the above. 沉默,有精神抑郁的秀却不拥有任何这些。