美['sʌmpʃən] 英['sʌmpʃən]
n. 大前提
- Discussed the basic sumption of the quantity capital and interest,then gave mathematics functions and analized the critical fuctor. 在阐述了量本利分析的基本假定的基础上,给出了具体的数学表达方式,最后从各因素变动方面进行了盈亏临界分析。
- Because the temperature gradient indoor is too large for heating system of big workshop, it is made its heat sumption to increase and energy to lavish. 高大厂房的采暖由于室内温度梯度过大,造成热耗量加大,浪费能源。
- The materialistic hypothesis is much too bold and flies in the face of experience with almost metaphysical pre¬sumption. 这些唯物论的假设过于大胆,用几乎是形而上学的假设公然对抗实际经验。
- The reason why lopsided cultural con sumption come into being due to many reasons, such as money worship overflowing, vulgarity of cultural market and variation of social behavior. 畸型文化消费的形成,在于拜金主义泛滥、文化市场低俗化和社会的诸多变异行为。
- minimum communication energy con- sumption path 最小通信能耗路
- ‘Thank you beforehand, Jack, you're so considerate.’ Lily takes it as a sumption. ‘先谢啦,杰克,你考虑得真周到啊。’莉莉信以为真了。