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美[tɪ'legənɪ]  英[tɪ'legənɪ]
n.  感应遗传


  1. Telegony is the supposed influence of a female's first mate on the offspring of her later matings with other males. 先父遗传是与母畜第一次交配的公畜,对以后该母畜与其它公畜交配所生的后代会有影响。
  2. Thus, the myth of telegony is fundamentally incompatible with our knowledge of genetics and the reproductive process. 因此,,先父遗传的神话根本不能与当代遗传学说的知识和生殖过程相容。
  3. Weismann believed his notion of the germ plasm could explain telegony, should it be shown to exist, but he doubted its reality. Weismann相信他的关于遗传物质的概念可以解释telegony,它可能是真的,但Weismann怀疑其真实性。
  4. Nevertheless, telegony influenced late nineteenth-century racialist discourse: a woman who had once had a child with a non-Aryan man, it was argued, could never have a "pure" Aryan child again. 然而,先父遗传的理论在19实际晚期曾被种族主义者大肆宣说:如果一个女人有了一个非雅利安人种的孩子,她就永远不可能在生出“纯种”的雅利安孩子来了。
  5. The telegony idea gained much popularity among those who supported segregation between blacks and whites, and was said to be particularly popular among the circles connected to the Ku-Klux-Klan. 先父遗传这个说法最开始是在种族歧视人群(就是认为黑人白人不一样的那些家伙)中开始兴起的,其中最为活跃的就是3k党人(某个无恶不作的美国黑社会)
  6. Telegony is a theory in heredity, now discredited but widely believed until the late 19th century, holding that offspring can inherit the characteristics of a previous mate of one or both parents. 先父遗传是一种遗传上的理论,现今它被证明不真实,但是直到19世纪晚期,它还广泛地被相信和接受。这个理论是说,后代能继承父母双方中一方的前任伴侣的特征。