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美[θɪ'ætrɪk]  英[θɪ'ætrɪk]
adj.  剧场的;戏剧的


  1. Yeats warned to construct Irish national spirit from theatric art and to confront the English imperialistic drama. 叶芝希望通过剧场艺术来呼唤和建构爱尔兰民族精神,并以此对抗英国帝国主义的戏剧文化;
  2. For example, ninny is still an important role and theatric story-factor in Er Ren Zhuan Opera. 例如在现在的东北二人转中,傻子就仍然是一个重要的角色人物和戏剧故事要素。
  3. It derives its form from various other provincial operas while inheriting the Chinese classical theatric tradition. 当今我们看得到它的存在如日光歌剧团、金纹燕兄妹歌剧团等,但却看不到它的历史与变迁轨迹。
  4. Beijing opera is a popular theatric form, combining acting, singing, speech, and acrobatics. 京剧是中国传统戏剧的典范,集“唱念做打“一身,具有很高的观赏价值。
  5. Vessels or deities present ambiguous puzzles of their functions and a special theatric effect after a casual put-together. 他做的或是器皿或是神物的东西,在经过随心所欲的叠加之后,物体呈现出模糊不清的功能性疑问,显得特别的戏剧性效果。
  6. So the face expre ion of theatric character all were vague under her brush that the audience only can watch exaggerated action from actor played on the stage. 所以她笔下的戏剧人物脸部表情都是模糊的,观众只能看到在舞台上表演的演员的夸张的动作,张铁梅用油画笔将这些经典的戏剧人物都在画面上定格了。