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美[ðeə'self]  英[ðeə'self]
pron.  <非规范> =themself


  1. They insisted solve problem by theirself. 他们坚持自己解决问题.
  2. President Bush: Whatever it took to help Taiwan defend theirself. (会尽其所能协助台湾。
  3. In the night Robert come back to Fransca's home with her , they let theirself go crowd together with soft music . 夜色降临,回到弗朗西斯卡的家里,在轻柔的音乐舞曲中,两人情不自禁地相拥共舞。
  4. The concern degrees on accident events of crowds are differ from theirself's interests been effected. 民众对议题的关心程度,与自身所受影响有关。
  5. Well , they can introduce theirself to the boss . In this case , they can improve confidence . 应试者可通过自我介绍给对方留下最初的印象,如介绍教育背景、工作能力等来表现自信。
  6. In here, philosopher lets theirself to go to think the nature transition and poet will fully express their feelings. 哲人在这里,会情不自禁的思想自然变迁的原委;诗人在这里,会慷慨激昂的宣泄返璞归真的咏叹。