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美[θɪ'ɒdəsɪ]  英[θɪ'ɒdəsɪ]
n.  自然神学;神义论;神正论


  1. the branch of theology that defends God's goodness and justice in the face of the existence of evil


  1. Augustine is one of the major representatives of traditional theodicy. 奥古斯丁是传统神正论的主要代表。
  2. Part II presents the major contribution of this work, my “Quest for Potential” formulation, a solution to the age-old problem of theodicy. 第二章是本书之精华,叙述作者的“探索潜力法”,以解决神义论的老问题。
  3. Given economists' almost theological commitment to the notion that markets clear, the presence of unemployment in the world requires a theodicy[7] to explain it. 经济学家坚决认为所有市场都要出清,那么鉴于这种观点所带的几分神学色彩,全球的失业现状就需要一种神学理论来加以解释了。
  4. Given economists' almost theological commitment to the notion that markets clear, the presence of unemployment in the world requires a theodicy to explain it. 如果经济学家们还在虔诚的信仰着市场出清的信念,那么对于在世界范围内存在的失业现象只能用神学来解释了。
  5. in ancient China there is no evil act. There's no sense of original sin. There is no interest in theodicy, in explaining evil in the world. 古中国没有任何关于“恶行”的记载。没有原罪的概念。对神义学,解释世界上为什么有邪恶这门理论,毫无兴趣,
  6. (4)Given economists' almost theological commitment to the notion that markets clear, the presence of unemployment in the world requires a theodicy[7] to explain it. 经济学家几乎如同信奉神灵一般地信奉这样一种观点,即市场终究是要出清的。