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美['θɜːmiː]  英['θɜːmiː]
n.  温泉;温泉浴场;公共浴池


  1. The therma l therapy terminated after the terminal germ seminar . 热疗在期末细菌研讨会后终止了.
  2. Just like the cavity walls of the hypocaust heating in the roman thermae. 我的设计检验了人体和他的即时环境的关系。
  3. Born at Thermae in Sicily, he moved to Syracuse as a youth and served in its army. 生于西西里岛瑟米(Thermae),年少时从家乡迁到叙拉古,服役军中。
  4. Tianjin is located at north part of northern China plain,where is rich in therma l water in sedimentary basin. 天津位于华北平原的北部,那里的沉积盆地含有丰富的地下热水。
  5. This paper introduces the properties of FPA senes therma bimetal and the method to select thermal bimetal. 本文介绍了热双金属的用途、性能及如何选择热双金属,
  6. Detecting the environment temperature accurately is the key technology to ensure that the optimization design the structure of the VAV therma fuser successfully. 要成功实现对变风量风口结构的优化设计,在不同风口结构型式下准确的检测室内环境是关键。