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美[θred]  英[θred]
n.  线;思路;螺纹;线索;细丝;帖子
vt.  穿过;穿线于;遍布
vi.  滴下成丝状;小心地通过;蜿蜒前进
  名词:threader  过去式:threaded  过去分词:threaded  现在分词:threading  第三人称单数:threads


  1. 线
  2. 思路,条理
  3. 螺纹
  4. 线状物
  5. 线索
  6. 衣服
  7. 贯穿着的东西
  8. 【计】线程
  9. 细丝,细线
  10. 纤维
  11. 头绪
  12. 一线,一丝
  13. 麻纱, 棉纱
  14. 细流
  15. 细矿脉
  16. 情节
  1. 穿,穿过,穿透过
  2. 刻螺纹于
  3. 使交织
  4. 通,通过
  5. 装软片于
  6. 把...穿成一串,穿成串,串在一起
  7. 穿线,拿线穿,穿线于…
  8. 为照相机装胶片,装胶卷于
  9. 挤过
  10. 穿(针),纫(针)
  11. 穿行
  12. 滴下成丝状
  13. 将穿过…
  14. 将(影片)装入放映机
  15. 给…装入(胶片、狭带、绳子)
  16. 用…线缝,把…线编织进
  17. 小心地通过
  18. 蜿蜒前进


  1. [U][C]线,细线 (length of) spun cotton, wool, silk, etc.; thin strand of nylon, etc.
  2. [C]线索,思路 line of thought connecting parts of a story, etc.
  1. vt. 将(针、线等)穿过 … pass needle, thread, string, etc. through (sth)
  2. vt. 将…穿过…而置于备用位置 pass (film, tape, etc.) through sth and into the required position for use


  1. a fine cord of twisted fibers (of cotton or silk or wool or nylon etc.) used in sewing and weaving
  2. any long object resembling a thin line;

    "a mere ribbon of land" "the lighted ribbon of traffic" "from the air the road was a grey thread" "a thread of smoke climbed upward"

  3. the connections that link the various parts of an event or argument together;

    "I couldn't follow his train of thought" "he lost the thread of his argument"

  4. the raised helical rib going around a screw
  1. to move or cause to move in a sinuous, spiral, or circular course;

    "the river winds through the hills" "the path meanders through the vineyards" "sometimes, the gout wanders through the entire body"

  2. pass a thread through;

    "thread a needle"

  3. remove facial hair by tying a fine string around it and pulling at the string;

    "She had her eyebrows threaded"

  4. pass through or into;

    "thread tape" "thread film"

  5. thread on or as if on a string;

    "string pearls on a string" "the child drew glass beads on a string" "thread dried cranberries"


  1. make thread纺线
  2. reel thread out放线
  3. sew with thread用线缝纫
  4. tangle the threads使线缠结在一起
  5. wind thread绕线
  6. break the thread打断话头,打断思路
  7. gather up the threads把(问题的)各部分联系起来
  8. hang by a thread千钧一发,岌岌可危
  9. lose the thread抓不住论点,失去头绪
  10. pick up the threads接着讲下去
  1. coarse thread粗线
  2. coloured threads彩色线
  3. common thread共同主线
  4. fine thread质细的线
  5. heavy thread粗线
  6. tangled threads缠结在一起的线
  7. tenuous thread细线
  8. thin thread细线
  1. cotton thread纱线
  2. flax thread麻线
  3. gold threads金线
  4. nylon thread尼龙线
  5. rayon thread人造丝
  6. silk thread丝线
  7. silver threads银线
  1. a piece of thread一段线
  2. a reel of thread线团,线圈
  1. thread into把…穿〔装,插〕入…
  2. thread on把…穿在…上
  3. thread through把…穿过…,小心翼翼地穿过…
  1. thread a camera给照相机装上胶卷
  2. thread a forest穿过森林
  3. thread a street穿过一条街道
  4. thread beads把珠子穿成一串
  5. thread narrow alleys穿过小巷
  1. thread carefully小心翼翼地穿过
  2. thread dexterously熟练地穿过
  3. thread skillfully熟练地穿过


  1. How many spools of thread did you use?你用了几轴线?
  2. The thread seems to match the cloth.这线和这布似乎很相称。
  3. I need one more spool of thread before finishing the embroidery.再来一轴线我就可以完成这幅刺绣了。
  4. He passed me a coil of thread.他递给我一卷线。
  5. The girl tied the ends of the thread.这女孩把线的两端结起来。
  6. The little girl threaded the shells together and wore them round her neck.小女孩把贝壳穿成一串,戴在脖子上。
  7. I'm afraid I've lost the thread of your argument.我恐怕没有抓住你的论据的思路。


    thread用作名词的基本意思是“线”,可指用棉、毛、尼龙等制成的“线”,也可指细如线状的东西(如一丝亮光等),此时常用于a thread of结构。 thread用于比喻还可作“(贯穿故事等各部分的)线索”或“(某人的)思路”解,此时常与lose, pick〔take〕 up等连用。 thread还可作“螺纹”“衣物,衣服”解,作“衣物,衣服”解时多见于美国俚语中,且常用于复数形式。
    thread的基本意思是将一根线穿进针眼中,指在比较狭窄或拥挤的地方穿梭(如在人群中挤过去),即“穿线,穿过”,常与介词into, on, through等连用。 thread一般用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,偶尔也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词for的宾语。