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美['tɪkɪt]  英['tɪkɪt]
n.  票;券;标签;罚单;候选人名单
vt.  加标签于;售票;开罚单;检票,查验票证
  过去式:ticketed  过去分词:ticketed  现在分词:ticketing  第三人称单数:tickets


  1. 标签
  2. 执照,许可证
  3. 票,车票
  4. 入场券,券
  5. 公认候选人名单
  6. 纲领
  7. 政见
  8. 计划,规划
  9. <口>恰好的事情,所需的东西
  10. 罚款单
  11. 证明书
  12. <口>传票
  1. 加标签于,附上标价牌,加票签于
  2. 表明
  3. 指定,指派
  4. <口>对...开出交通违规罚单,发出交通违章通知单,向(交通违章者)发出传票
  5. 给...门票,为...购票,送票
  6. 被指定为,被委派为
  7. 卖票,售票
  8. 检票,查验票证


  1. [C]票 written or printed piece of card or paper that gives the holder a certain right
  2. [S]标签 label attached to sth, giving details of its price, size, etc.
  3. [C]通知单,罚款单 official notice of an offence against traffic regulations
  4. [C]候选人名单 list of the candidates put forward by one party in an election
  5. [S]恰好的事,所需之物 the correct or desirable thing
  1. vt. 加标签于,给…贴标签 put a tag or label on
  2. vt. 对…发出违章通知单 give a ticket to sb
  3. vt. 规定…用于 … intend sth for a certain use or purpose


  1. a commercial document showing that the holder is entitled to something (as to ride on public transportation or to enter a public entertainment)
  2. a label written or printed on paper, cardboard, or plastic that is attached to something to indicate its owner, nature, price, etc.
  3. a summons issued to an offender (especially to someone who violates a traffic regulation)
  4. a list of candidates nominated by a political party to run for election to public offices
  5. the appropriate or desirable thing;

    "this car could be just the ticket for a small family"

  1. issue a ticket or a fine to as a penalty;

    "I was fined for parking on the wrong side of the street" "Move your car or else you will be ticketed!"

  2. provide with a ticket for passage or admission;

    "Ticketed passengers can board now"


  1. accept a ticket接受票据
  2. book a ticket预订票
  3. buy a ticket买票
  4. check a ticket验票
  5. collect a ticket收票
  6. examine a ticket查票
  7. get a ticket得到票
  8. get one's ticket被罚款
  9. give a ticket to给…票
  10. hold a ticket持有票
  11. issue a ticket开发票
  12. present a ticket出示票
  13. return a ticket退票
  14. sell ticket out卖完票
  15. show a ticket出示票
  16. split ticket投异党候选人的票
  17. vote a ticket投票
  1. five tickets五张票
  2. full-fare ticket全票
  3. half-fare ticket半票
  4. monthly ticket月票
  5. one-way ticket〈美〉单程票
  6. round-trip ticket〈美〉往返票
  7. single ticket〈英〉单程车票
  8. straight ticket只投同一政党所有候选人的选票
  9. thorough ticket联票
  10. valid ticket有效票
  1. admission ticket入场券
  2. airplane ticket飞机票
  3. communication ticket〈美〉月票
  4. library ticket借书证
  5. meal ticket餐券,饭票
  6. movie ticket电影票
  7. platform ticket月台票
  8. railway ticket火车票
  9. return ticket〈英〉往返票
  10. season ticket〈英〉季票,月票,长期票
  11. split ticket分裂票(指投给不同党派候选人的票)
  12. theatre ticket戏票
  13. train ticket火车票
  14. winning ticket得奖彩票
  1. ticket as把…指定为…
  2. ticket for因…而收到通知单,指定为…
  3. ticket with用…贴标签
  1. ticket all articles给所有货物都贴上价格标签
  2. ticket the parked car给停放的车辆贴上违章传票


  1. Have you got your train ticket?你拿到火车票了吗?
  2. No one is allowed to get his ticket out of turn.任何人都不准不按次序买票。
  3. The money is raised by the sale of raffle ticket.这笔款是通过出售购物彩券筹集的。
  4. The ticket tells you the price of this dress.标签告诉你这件衣服的价钱。
  5. I don't know the price of the dress; its ticket has fallen off.我不知道这件衣服的价钱,它的标签掉了。
  6. I got a traffic ticket for crossing a red light.我因为闯红灯被开了一张罚单。
  7. They plumped for a third party ticket.他们积极支持第三方提出的候选人名单。
  1. All articles in the store are ticketed with the price.店里的所有物品都有标签标明价格。
  2. He bought a platform ticket at the ticket window.他到售票窗口买了站台票。
  3. You can get it at that ticket booth or please pay one dollar fifty cents to the driver.你可以在那个售票亭买票,或是上车时付一元五角给司机。
  4. The policeman ticketed the parked car.警察给这辆停着的车发出违章处罚通知单。


    ticket的基本意思是“票”,指在上面写有或印有持有者拥有某种权利的卡片或纸张,如车票、电影票、戏票、入场券等,用于比喻还可指“晋升或得到机会的资历、凭证”,常与介词to连用,是可数名词。 ticket也可指附于某物上标明尺码、价格等的标签,可译作“货签”“价码牌”“标价牌”等,通常用作单数形式。 ticket引申可表示“交通违章的通知单、罚款单”或“党派推荐的候选人名单”。作“候选人名单”解时,多用于美国。 在口语中, ticket还可作“恰好的事,所需之物”解,通常用作单数形式,并与定冠词the连用。
    ticket用作动词的基本意思是“加标签于,给…贴标签”,指在待售物品上加上标签,也可作“对…发出违章通知单”“规定…用于…”解。 ticket是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,常用于被动结构。 ticket也可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。