My extreme adoration to you never comes to an end, much like the torrentially running water in Yangtze River.Please come again! 我对您的敬仰,犹如滔滔江水连绵不绝。欢迎再次光临!
Then the day arrives and well,you've had a long day at work,there's a torrenti al thunderstorm or whatever,and you just don't feel like going anywhere. 但是那一天来临的时候,你忙活了一整天,或者下着倾盆大雨,或者出于某种原因,你哪里也懒是去。
Then the day arrives and well, you've had a long day at work, there's a torrenti al thunderstorm or whatever, and you just don't feel like going anywhere. 但是那一天来临的时候,你忙活了一整天,或者下着倾盆大雨,或者出于某种原因,你哪里也懒是去。