Enhancing the townscape with attractive landscape and urban design. 以具吸引力的园林景观和市区设计,美化市容。
People regard the townscape as products of their own labour. 当人们对城市进行观照时,也就是对自己的劳动产品进行观照。
It later became more eclectic but retained a harmonious overall townscape. 它成为了更加折衷但保留一和谐整体。
Methods of quali tative description have con stantly been applied to the research and evaluation on townscape feature. 对于城市风貌,历来多采用定性描述的方法进行研究和评价。
The Oriental Pearl TV Tower, the elevated highways, the subways and the like have added up to Shanghai's townscape. 东方明珠电视塔、高架道路和地铁等已成为上海新的城市景观
Wanda plaza, with its unmistakable overall appearance, will be a unity and make up a "landmark" in the heterogeneous townscape. 万达广场凭借其独一无二的建筑造型,统一性与棱角分明的外观在城市景观中拥有地标式的作用。