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美['tɔɪˌlænd]  英['tɔɪlænd]
n.  (虚构的富于传奇冒险色彩的)玩偶世界;小人国


  1. It's the toughest guy in Toyland, Ben! |是玩具王国里 最勇敢的人,班!
  2. Software Description: About Toyland, Here's a theme about Christmas toys. 这是关于圣诞节玩具的主题。
  3. Because even Toyland ha share-owning capitalist economy these days.Evan Davis BBC News. 因为在当今世界,即便是像哈姆利玩具公司这样童话般的玩偶世界也是股份所有制的资本主义经济。
  4. For example, 1+2+4 = 07 would make a vehicle available in all climates except Toyland. 例如:1+2+4=07将使一个运输可以在除玩具外的所有气候中使用。
  5. North Carolina’s Public Interest Research Group released a 2008 Trouble in Toyland report this week at a children’s hospital emergency department. 这个星期北卡罗来纳州的公共利益研究组在一个儿童医院的急诊部门里发布了一个报道,是关于2008年玩具事故的。
  6. Above me there are white puffy clouds blowing past Golden Age gables and, at my side, the clatter of bikes giggling over the cobbles, as they cross a toyland bridge. 像我在阿姆斯特丹经常会做的那样,我望着眼前的运河出神:天空中朵朵白云飘过金色时代高矗的山墙,身边不时有自行车驶过玩具国桥,在鹅卵石路面上发出咔嗒咔嗒的响声。