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美['trɔːməˌtɪzəm]  英['trɔːmətɪzəm]
n.  外伤;创伤


  1. Suitable crowd: Dark acne and mark which traumatism causes. 适用人群:暗疮、外伤产生的红印。
  2. Traumatism treat the blood disorder the scattered silt convalescence. 外伤恢复期理血散瘀。
  3. Objective To explore a new method and the feature of traumatism in sheep for zygomatic bone comminuted fracture by Bio impact device. 目的探讨羊颧骨粉碎性骨折的可行性、方法和损伤特点。
  4. Maybe that's the collective memory of the human being, the traumatism of birth and the endless anxiety, stays along our existence in a timeless way. 相濡以沫,又分道扬镳。当地人大抵在地面生根,也有些年青人,不甘于平庸地生活,过桥西去,寻些新的梦想。
  5. Interventional effect of sodium hyaluronate on inducible nitric oxide synthase mRNA expression in cartilage of rabbits with traumat. 软骨诱导一氧化氮合酶mRNA表达的干预。
  6. All teeth had periodontitis and occlusal traumatism.Conclusion Occlusal traumatism was the main causes of ertical root fracture.X-ray examination was helpful to diagnosis.Pre... 结论咬合创伤是牙根纵裂的主要原因,X线检查有助诊断,牙根纵裂缺乏有效的治疗方法,应以预防为主。