Acetate hydroxide trihydrate has serious supercoohng and phase segregation during solidification. 三水醋酸钠在凝固过程中存在严重的过冷和相分层。
This paper reports the experiment on the heat storage-release property of the trihydrate sodium acetate system. 报道了三水合醋酸钠体系蓄放热性能的实验研究。
King W R.Some studies of alumina trihydrate precipitation kinetics[J].Light Metal,1 973,551. 王延明译.;铝酸钠溶液中氢氧化铝二次结晶形成机理[J]
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The influence of the level of alumina trihydrate,plasticizer and coupling agent on the electrical property of EPDM was studied. 研究了三水合氧化铝、增塑剂及偶联剂用量对三元乙丙橡胶电性能的影响。
Abstract Pard- selective mononitration of toluene un-der mild conditions occurs by use of cupric ni-trate trihydrate in the presence of solid acid cata-lysts. 利用固体酸催化剂,甲苯能被三水合硝酸铜对位选择性-硝化,硝化条件温和,易于控制。